Tailored, personalized home care services.

Hands of Healing Provider Services, PC offers a broad range of services to enable clients to remain in their own home comfortably and safely while giving family members peace of mind knowing that their loved ones are receiving the best care possible.

Customized Home Care Solutions

Providing in-home care means that it can be tailored specifically to their lifestyle, preferences, and care requirements. Our service starts with a comprehensive assessment of each client’s needs, allowing us to develop a personalized care plan tailored to their needs.

Whether you are looking for a caregiver to assist with daily living activities for an aging parent, or if you need respite care, we can help. From daily visits to 24-hour care, we offer flexibility and customized home care solutions that can be adjusted with changing needs over time.

Our services include:

Why Us?

At Hands of Healing Provider Services, PC, we focus on providing personalized services, ensuring clients maintain their dignity and independence, have flexibility in their care choices, and feel safe within their own homes. To this day, our reputation for providing outstanding services remains unchanged. We remain committed to our mission of consistently delivering exceptional services tailored to the needs of every individual we serve.

Who pays for these services?
  • Medicaid
    • United Healthcare
  • Private Pay
Talk to an Expert

For a comprehensive assessment of your home care needs, we invite you to Set an Appointment at your earliest convenience.

Got other service-related questions? Call us at 214-432-8994 for assistance.